Sunday, October 28, 2012

so when you said,
your world,
no longer inspired,
your pen had dried,
your words,
were no longer meant for poetry -
I think a little part of me shattered.


I hate it

when I'm just walking down the street or I'm lying in bed doing nothing or when I'm in the shower and my mind wanders and I think of something to write and then I plan it in my head or I even start writing it in my head and I start to think "this is pretty good, this doesn't sound bad, I like this. I should write it down"
but then as soon as I actually sit down and write it, my words get jumbled, nothing comes out right, or simply, I just think "fuck, this sounded way better in my head"



Thursday, October 25, 2012


Today as I was walking home, a thought popped into my head.
"I'm okay" I thought. "I'm okay"
I don't mean I'm okay at something, or I'm okay now in the sense that something bad had happened to me recently and I'm getting over it..
It was simply just a thought.
My mood was okay, the weather was okay. I felt.. Okay
Not overly happy, not unhappy, I'd say "neutral" but it doesnt seem right.
I'm not saying that that I'm settling into mediocrity, no, I will never ever be satisfied with mediocrity.
I don't mean that things will be okay or that I've turned out okay.
But at that moment, it was one of those rare and wonderful times in which if someone had asked me how I was, I'd be able to answer with the utmost truth and sincerity:
"I'm okay"


Sunday, October 14, 2012

I'm sitting near aotea square right now as I type this

Waiting for a couple of my friends to not show up =_=
Jokes. they both txted me telling me they're gonna be late. Sigh that's just how the world works, isn't it. The ONE TIME I'm not late... Everyone else is.
Anyway, it's kinda nice seeing everyone out on the weekend with their families and friends.

There's a big Diwali event on so there are stalls everywhere and therefore cable protectors on the footpath.
People keep tripping and subsequently trying to act nonchalant. It's pretty entertaining.
Just before there was this one guy who tripped but tried to pretend it didn't happen but then he looked up and locked eyes with me and he knew I saw him trip and it was so funny cause he was embarrassed as hell.

Friday, October 12, 2012

I hate people

Not sure if you put me in bad mood or was already in a bad mood and you just made it worse =_=


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Murakami makes me melancholy

Makes me want to hug someone really really tight for ten minutes (and that might not even be enough)
Makes me want to sit in silence next to someone (our shoulders barely touching) for a couple of hours.
Makes me want immediate proof that the world isn't a bleak place.

His words hurt me.

But I can't stop reading.
