Friday, December 31, 2010

Goodbye 2010.

A lot has happened this year...
and now.. it's the last day.
It went by so fast.
First half of the year was like...
msn till 4am every night
being miserable and melodramatic
and suddenly i realized that i'd st opped doing that
and that it was october.

I'm posting this before work instead of when i get home so that it's still 2010 in nz when this entry goes up.

I hope everyone has a great new years eve. !!
like genuinely.
I'll stop complaining that i'm not doing anything special..


Most importantly, I just want to thank everyone for being part of my 2010
It's been really great.
I hope that everyone will continue being part of my life 2011, share another year of their lives with me and that by the end of 2011 we'll have had another year filled with great memories.

Love (lots and lots of it),



Sorry about the sentiment^^;;;
wow i just realized my title was really cliche.

2010 closure: five

okay so i lied
i'm sorry but i can't post the last one.
it's... just..
well... i can't do it.
it's too personal. too blatantly pathetic.
but i also can't bring myself to delete it.
so... uhh.. yea.
let me hang on to one thing from 2010 okay?
it'll probably end up in a folder i have, specifically for things like this lol

So Mac quoted this to me from How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe: A Novel

" I don't miss him any more. Most of the time, anyway. I want to. I wish I could but unfortunately, it's true: time does heal. It will do so whether you like it or not, and there's nothing anyone can do about it. If you're not careful, time will take away everything that ever hurt you, everything you have ever lost, and replace it with knowledge. Time is a machine: it will convert your pain into experience. Raw data will be compiled, will be translated into a more comprehensible language. The individual events of your life will be transmuted into another substance called memory and in the mechanism something will be lost and you will never be able to reverse it, you will never again have the original moment back in its uncategorised, preprocessed state. It will force you to move on and you will not have a choice in the matter. "

and well. it really got to me.
(i really want to read this book now)
but i also felt that it was a good way to end my year of thinking about the past and being emo and regretful etc etc
all that jazz.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

2010 closure: four

Bad emo poetry !!
Writing this was... lots of fun.


There's nothing left for you here
no one to hide from, to love or to fear
Just the echo of your own footsteps
and the ring of silence in your ears.

You had long wished for this release
For emotions to be nothing for pain to cease
And now you're in your perfect world
one that decided to grant you your peace.

You traded your all, your soul for this
No light in your world, an eternal eclipse
You dreamt and waited and prayed for this
To be lost forever and never be missed.

Your only instinct is to rejoice
That when you yell no one hears your voice
that you'll forget how to love, hate or feel
that you'll never get hurt so you won't have to heal.


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

2010 closure: three

Forgive me.
These entries are horrible and emo and... stuff.
maybe that's why i didn't publish them before.
Maybe i should've let them remain drafts.
But.. well...
I guess i should finish what i started
I almost didn't post this tonight cause of the comment on my last one and how happy and touched it made me feel. but yea
finishing what i started.

"i'm LONELY"

someone VERY WISE once told me that i should never txt that to a guy.
so i tried it on him.
all i got was a "well played"
bastard =="
you know who you are.

I deliberately isolate myself sometimes.
To me, it's like running away for a short while.

Hiding in public library.
Hiding in Borders reading.
Walking home alone at night.
Watching a movie by myself.
Leaving my phone at home.
Sitting in Aotea Square by myself and watching people walk by.
Appearing offline, not talking to anyone and watching people sign on and off msn.
Curling up in bed when no one else is at home and pretending i'm not at home either.

Sometimes I let the loneliness wash over me.
and consume me.
And I feel so lonely that I can't stand it.

Because I want to be miserable?
that's not it.

I love being with everyone and hate being lonely.
I'm just practising.
I know I'll never be content with being alone
I wish I could be though.
something something hurt something something something.


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 closure: two

The reason i wanted to do this i guess was to clear my drafts "folder" for the new year.
So i can start afresh in 2011.
And to offer myself some closure (as the title suggests)
Also to offer myself a last chance to rant about these things that I bugged people about for the whole year.

here's the second one:
(also written in november)
I don't know what i want.

I don't know whether I should run; give myself a reason to run, i'm very good at that.
Whether I should be brave for once.... and take a step forward...
Or stay where I am, hiding and retreating from everything.
I'm safe that way, aren't I?
I don't know how to not hesitate.
I don't know if I want to not hesitate.
I don't know my own heart.

help me.


Monday, December 27, 2010

2010 closure: one

Here is, as promised the first of my unpublished entries.
They will be in no particular order.
I wanted to post this one first cause all i listen to these days is taylor swift.

(Written a day after I'd listened to the entirety of Taylor Swift's latest album)

.you're the kind of reckless that should send me running
.Seems like there's always someone who disapproves, they'll judge it like they know about me and you
.I go back to December all the time
.The story of us looks a lot like a tragedy now
.all that i know is i don't know how to be something you miss

If the album had come out say... 6 months earlier...
And I'd heard it.. I probably would've died.
or at least really really hated some of the songs.
I'm pathetic, really.
I'm glad my mindset is somewhat different now.
And i could enjoy her songs.
But i still couldn't help letting those lines get to me just a little.

Damn you Taylor Swift.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Last Christmas

I gave you my heart
but the very next day
you gave it away.
This year
to save me from tears
I'll give it someone special.

That's not true at all actually.

But i REALLY like that song.

Last Christmas...
I just got really wasted at Kendra's
(please guys don't comment on here about what happened cause that's just embarrassing kthnx.)
good times.

This year... i'm in taiwan. and it's raining..
but at least i'm with the small portion of my family that i like. so it's okay.

Merry Christmas everyone <3

P.S. in the next days leading up to 2011 i'll be posting one entry per day of draft entries that i didn't post over 2010 so sorry there's gonna be maybe some pretty ....... stuff.
fill in that gap however you wish.


Sunday, December 19, 2010

What work has taught me (personally)

-Staples are evil.
-Staple removers are useless.
-Paper clips, however, are wonderful amazing useful things.
-If you smile a lot, people won't mind that you don't know their names.
-High school kids should be given less credit. For everything.
-Companies have A LOT of excess paper. A LOT.
-Climbing the stairs from the 2nd floor to the 11th floor is tiring but a shorter distance than I'd thought.
-Work is tiring... makes me cbf everything. like. blogging. msn. even just turning on the computer.
-If you don't want things to be explained to you for the hundredth time, don't make any mistakes.
-The years spent at school are the best days of our lives.
- I was right about not wanting an office job. It makes me a boring person.


Sunday, November 28, 2010

As promised. Some sentiment. And reflection.

I've been meaning to write a new entry for awhile but I've been busy... doing god knows what.
This is gonna be pretty  LONG. I shoulda written a separate entries instead of just one. But I kinda fell behind on my blogging.

So at the old people's home/nursing home where my grandpa now lives..
there's this old couple.
He's 80 something and she's in her late 70s.
They're always sitting side by side in their wheelchairs.
And everytime I see them, they're holding hands.
It's the sweetest thing I've ever seen.
The only time i see them not holding hands is when they're having lunch.
And straight after they finish eating, he reaches over and grabs her hand.
Even someone like me, who isn't all that sure about marriage, thinks it would be great to have what that they have.
I mean sure, what do outsiders like me know?
But when you're old and you can't walk, you can't talk much and all you do is sit there everyday watching tv or sitting by the window and being taken care of by nurses...
I think that if you know that the person you love will be there, holding your hand, giving you hope and comfort.
...and that you have the person who loves you the most in the world by your side.
Then you're pretty freaking lucky.
It seems to me that it's very hard to obtain that sort of love in this world. At least for me.
BUT they kind of make me feel like it's possible to be in love with someone for as long as you live.
It's like when you ask for someone's "hand in marriage" you're taking their hand, promising to never let go and be their companion forever, through thick and thin.
And to me, this old couple embodies that idea.
sorry guys ^^;;;;;;

I feel like I need some pictures in here to grab people's attention.
But i got nothin'
You can just stop reading if you like.
-everyone closes the tab/window-

So I don't know how many people that went to BBI remember, but in year 8 we played 'Chariots of Fire' in the orchestra.
Anyone remember? Ryan? Sarah? Allan? Remember?
I have lots of great memories linked to that piece of music.
Practising it in orchestra, preparing for the year 8 production, not having to go to class cause of the rehearsals.
So I was sitting in a noodle shop the other day (those tiny ones with no air conditioning, fold out tables and thosee cheap plastic chairs) and suddenly Chariots of Fire came on.
The weirdest feeling came over me when i heard it.
And suddenly I was reminded of the first time our orchestra played this piece from start to finish. And the overwhelming feeling it brought. I don't know about everyone else, but at that time, I was so moved by it.
Okay it's probaly because of the music. It's an amazing piece and just listening to it...  something... just wells up in my heart.
And well... it made me feel so close to everyone in the orchestra at that moment.
Also, the fact that our orchestra (which was not that great to be perfectly honest xp) was able to play it was pretty amazing lol... At the time, it felt like we achieved something together.
I don't know why i felt the need to blog about this!
I guess it was the place juxtaposing with the music and then the sudden rush of memories.
It was... a really odd feeling.
The only downside to all this is that I am unable to remove those stupid lyrics Mrs Vercoe (the music teacher) wrote (to go with it for the production) from my memory.
UGH. They were SO so so so.... ugh....

listen to it.

Okay so I was gonna write about one more thing... But honestly, I cbf. It's not very interesting (because the above was SO interesting ==")
But yea.
This has gone on long enough.
Until next time.
I remain your faithful and humble servant..


Monday, November 22, 2010

something about what i've been doing/not doing
something about a song i like
something about something that makes me happy/sad/angry
some photo
some rant
some sentiment
some reflection
some sarcastic humour
some self deprecating humour
some creepy comment
some complaint
something about how i miss everyone in nz a lot and that i wish i could go back


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Dear Kendra

I miss every part of you.
not just your face.



p.s. i miss you too rach<3

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

First day in Taiwan

I think i'm off to a pretty good start.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I'm sorry i've disappointed you.

Dear 13, 14, 15 year old self. I bet you'd be really diappointed if you saw me now.
I didn't want to turn out like this.
I don't know how it happened.
Please forgive me.

I guess sometimes in life reality hits you hard, and you realize that you've walked down a path that ultimately leads to failure.
And well. I hate it.
I really hate it.
It's not too late to turn back. I guess it's never too late to turn back.
Well. Never is a bit unrealistic.
It's not too late now at least.

It's just not that easy. I'm just not sure what to do.
I don't really know how to change...
What happened?
I can think of a million reasons. I guess I should call them excuses?
But in the end, I know I have no one to blame but myself
I make/made the most difference in my own life.

You knew what you wanted to do, wanted to be, wanted to turn out like.
But I can't remember what those things were.
I just know that what I am now isn't what you wanted.
I wish i could go back and warn you.
You were so hopeful of the future.
I wish I could stop you from turning into me.
I wish that instead, that you could've become someone else.
The person you wanted to be and thought you'd be.


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

So... nice weather we're having.

So last night i was sitting here, really down, writing a really emo blog entry..
About halfway through, I just.. felt that i couldn't keep writing.
I was too full of hopelessness and other great things like that.
So i decided to wait to finish it today. Cause at the time, i was so sure that i'd still be miserable today..
I couldn't be.
The weather was too amazing.
It was like summer.
The sun was shining, the sky was blue, a few white clouds were scattered across the sky.
Ah it was so nice.
my spirits completely lifted as i was walking to uni.
The sun was piercing. Like omg-i'm-gonna-get-sunburnt piercing.
It was so hot.
My skin felt like it would burn
and omggg
love love love.
I wanted to act like a kid. take my shoes off. run around barefoot on the hot concrete.
I wanted to sit there in albert park forever~~
if only i wasn't so scared of getting tanned...
Ahhh it was so nice ^^


I got study done today~~

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


When I was a kid I believed in magic
I still do.
Kind of.
I make wishes at 11:11 (yes, screw you, people who mock me about this)
and other stuff.
What's wrong with having a little hope?

The thing is, I used to wait
and wait
and wait
for things to happen.
Magical things.
Like for me to meet a fairy
a genie
to travel through time
meet a witch
meet a wizard.
find a wardrobe that led me to narnia
a rabbit hole that led me to wonderland
or just encounter some sort of supernatural/ mythical/ magical creature or situation
(I didn't wanna meet a ghost though ^^;;;)
I waited and waited
for a magical adventure.
maybe it's just that i watched too many cartoons
or read too many books..
I don't know.
I desperately wanted to believe in magic.
Nothing ever happened though.

you know how in some stories, the kid wakes up and they think it's a dream?
or their memories are completely erased?
like.. as they say their farewells the magical beings are like "you wont remember anything" etc etc?
to console myself,
I like to think I HAVE encountered some wort of magical stiuation (or several)
and they just erased all my memories.


Thursday, September 30, 2010

If i were a boy

yea sorry. i totally wasnt trying to be funny with the Beyonce song.
yea >__<""
so. today
i was sitting in engin study room.
next to ryan
they were playing cards
(cool story amy ==")
i was txting sarah (we'd agreed to meet back in engin study area after class)
but she wasnt there yet
and so i asked her where she was
and then she comes walking into study area and sits down.
and i thought she saw me..
(sorry i'm getting to the punchline soon)
but then she replies to my txt
something along the lines of
"in engin study area.. Come."
and i stand up and turn around and said to her
"wth why'd you txt me?O_o"
and she's like
"OMG.... !! I thought you were a guy!!"
-followed by laughter-
"ohhhhhhhhhhh amyyy... you just got owned."
and she proceeds to try and explain
but it was like rubbing salt in my wound man.


i'm manly enough as it is.
but noooooooo i just HAD to get a boyish haircut.
damn it.
freaking man jokes TT" they follow me everywhere now.
can't wait till my hair grows out.


Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm tired

give me a way out already.

no i'm not implying what everyone will assume i'm implying.

you win.
you fucking win.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

If I die young

bury me in satin
Lay me down on a
bed of roses
Sink me in the river
at dawn
Send me away
with the words of a love song

My current on repeat song.
I'm not emo.
i swear
Listen to it =] it's a nice song.

P.S. Rachel i'm sorry =( I know it's a country song. please don't love me less.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

My love affair with nutella

Dear nutella,
I loved you.
What we had together was special.
I still remember all those months you kept me company through the nights.
I still think back to those days. The memories are so sweet.
Leaving you behind was so difficult...
I dont know how i got through our separation.
But I did...
And now i miss you.
but i can't let you back into my life..
I just.... can't!


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ocean. ocean. ocean.

is what i tell my dad i'm saying when i repeatedly mutter
"oh shit oh shit oh shit"
and he demands that i stop swearing.

the way the air rushes past me.
the slight dizziness it brings.
i love swinging.

"are you mad? what's wrong?"
"no, nothing"
-leave me alone-

you are the best thing
that's ever been

it's raining. suddenly.
i waited for it to pour down.
it's like the sky suddenly learnt not to disappoint.

i'm cold.
my fingers.
my feet.
"i'm cold, hold me"
we used to joke.

i miss you
i feel lonely
it's my fault it turned out like this.

it pierced my morning.
it washed over me.

it must have galvanizing material on the outside

I'm sick of pretending.
i'm tired.
yes, you ARE annoying.

 you are the best thing that's ever been mine

a fresh wave of
she whispers:
"it's just a tantrum"

you appal me.
your face appals me.

yea man.
Fucking modern poetry...
this isn't that.
just. By the way.

fragments of my morning.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

i miss you

freedom oh freedom.

staying up late
getting home late (ish)
going out when i want and not really having to ask for permission most of the time.


dont get me wrong.
i love my parents.
but i guess i'm just used to living without them

on another completely unrelated note.
i've been reading an excess of beauty blogs lately.
i am utterly amazed by the women in this world.
not in a condescending sort of way (of course)
but in a wow-i-cant-believe-they-are-so-dedicated sort of way. 

yea, no i can't think of anything else to say. just felt like posting something.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I feel slightly ashamed after reading the comment left by 'Anonymous' on my last entry.
I'm guessing i know who it is..
Of course i dont believe that life is filled with unhappines..
I have no right to be unhappy about my life.

Of course I cherish every moment i have with friends.
The hours spent in cafes, staring into space
The time we've sat around complaining about being bored but too lazy to get up and go do something.
Wandering around, loitering in cinemas, obstructing people's paths in various enclosed spaces.
All our conversations, talking about nothing and everything.
crazy late night talks - bitching, complaining, crying.
laughing hysterically.
wasting time
beacuse we think we have all the time in the world.

Of course i should be happy.
I am happy.

And as for love and forgetting.
it depends on the person.
Some are weaker than others.


Sunday, August 22, 2010

"And you think that love is only for the lucky and the strong"

'The Rose' - Bette Midler<3

The world aims to tear us apart from the people we want to be close to.
Think of all the movies, books, songs about this.
Even the real life stories you've heard.
And there's all that crap about after overcoming the struggles and love never being easy and it wouldn't be worthwhile if it was so easy.
I'm sorry but that's bullshit.
I'd like to boycott the world if that's the case.
I'm not asking for life and love to be easy....
wait. yea i am.

I think i bugged enough people last week with my question about "fate" (the closest english equivalent of the concept, i think..)
and really,
yea i think i'm right.
i'm doomed to be unhappy then.
i'm just kidding, i'm not that cynical.

Yesterday, I watched "5 Centimeters Per Second: a chain of short stories about their distance"  which is a Japanese animated feature film by Makoto Shinkai.
here's a video of the song from it

How many of us are looking for something that doesn't exist anymore?
Something that maybe only truly existed for a split second but has lived on in the blur between our memories and dreams?
Why is it so easy for words and feelings to be drowned out in this world?
Things we never get to say, never get to express..... how do we shake that feeling of regret?
How do we forget that which we have lost?
Distance, and time makes us forget, but leaves us with an inexplicable feeling of loss and heartache.
So that you're constantly looking for shadows of what used to be there because you can no longer picture it in your mind.

oh how the world messes with us.


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

project, assignment, same thing

what i am trying to say is, this video below is very relevant and relatable.



Sunday, August 15, 2010

As we go on, we remember, all the times we had together

And as our lives change, from whatever. We will still be, friends forever~~
hehe cheesy much?
good old Vitamin C

Bye Alex =(
i mean it's not like he's the first person that ever left...
and he IS coming back to visit... in 4 months
but it just seems like i've lost something. We have drifted apart a little in the past few years i suppose but i never hesitated to say he was one of my close friends.
Thinking back to the good old intermediate days.. (when alex was still zihao or ho xp) i just can't help marvel at how things have changed.

What happened to our time together?

nothing lasts forever..
but i wish some things could.


Thursday, August 12, 2010

hit the gas

there ain't no brakes on this lost highway
hey! hey!
Bon Jovi <3

So awesome.
and his songs are so inspirational sometimes
-fangirl moment-

the thing is though, this song is about finding your way... just charging forward even if you seem lost
i havent found mine...
and i can't just go, speed down that highway that is life
i cant say goodbye to yesterday....
it's not that easy.
i guess bon jovi is old...
maybe it's time for him to look back on life
whereas i'm still young.
but then.
doesn't that mean i SHOULD just take chances with life?
and say farewell to mediocrity?

When i was young i used to look forward to every coming year, thinking that life was just gonna get better and better...
but now, i dont think so anymore.
it's not gonna get better.
just harder.

i've been realizing more and more of my mistakes. of what went wrong.
and i have to say,
even though everyone says it isnt...
i'm scared that it is.
it's too late.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010


i love you lots.
like intensely.
but you knew that already.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I shot for the sky

I'm stuck on the ground
So why do i try, I know i'm gonna fall down.
(it's from a song called Down by a myspace musician called Jason Walker. Before you judge me, cause i know you will, listen to it. it's really sad~ and has haunted me for way too long now. And yes it happens to be a song that is used in the series the vampire diaries. I swear i had no idea when i first heard it... a friend sent it to me. But honestly. it's such a good song so who cares. just find it and listen to it! )

today was a really meeeeehh day for me.
Hence the title & beginning lines of the blog. I wish i didnt have to explain it. It ruins the effect. But oh well...

the weather was brilliant.
the sky looked like this:

I know, there's not much point in a photo like this of the sky.
That dot is a bird that flew past. lol...

How can one be down when the sky is so blue? So full of promise that another beautiful day is coming?

I mean, a lot of people are sad when it rains ("no, it rains when you're sad" MIB II ftw)
But i find that a lot of the time, i'm sad on days like this.
and i dont even know why.
Is it really true that someitmes something is so beautiful that it contains heartbreaking sadness?
Or is that just me trying to be deep?

probably the latter.

As for feeling sad.
no, it's not an existential crisis.
I think it's just my emo side acting up.
haha ^^;;
i thought i'd gotten rid of it...
my bad?
(so uh. sorry for wasting an hour of your life bobby)

Lately, i've been thinking about how much things have changed.
How my perspectives have changed.
How my feelings towards people and situations have changed.
Life's just like that huh... suddenly, when it's too late, you realize what went wrong. You realize that it WAS your fault. And that you screwed up.
You realize how much you've grown up. And how much you regret.
And you laugh a little at yourself. And at everything.
And pretend you're okay with it.
But really, you dont know if you are.

Everyday when i walk home over the bridge, i run my fingers along the metal railing and listen to my ring clink against it.
It's my pondering bridge =P I always slow my footsteps down when i walk across it.
It somehow gives me a moment and feeling of peace and soberity... sometimes I even feel slightly melancholy.
Today as i walked across it, the sun was setting and everything was bathed in orange light. It was gorgeous.
no i didnt have a moment of profiund thought.
I dont think epiphanies are so easy to come by.

no but seriously.. I dont know what's wrong with me.
then again.
maybe i should just grow the hell up.

I was acting slightly crazy today.
kind of like this:

except without the scissors


Monday, August 9, 2010


There were so many things i'd wanted to blog about before this. I guess i just wasnt in the mood.
But just...
i dont know ><"
I didnt even want to make a big deal out of this...
i'm kind of down right now.
I mean, i know i'm not exactly the most sensible person in the world....
really, how many people think that i'm, in all seriousness, slutty?
there ARE people more sensible than me (well duh.)
but i think i'm allowed to categorize myself as not slutty right?
i guess i deserve such an impression (if people really do have that opinion of me) beacuse.... actions speak louder than words. and i've done some stupid shit... but not THAT bad..
maybe i'm taking this too hard...
maybe i'm just being too sensitive.
/end rant


Monday, July 26, 2010


guys, i dont know how to say this....
and it may come as a shock to you...
if you don't hear from me for a week, or i seem to have suddenly disappeared...
i'm probably HIBERNATING.
yea, i know.
hibernation?! (because the world needs more proof of my insanity...)
but seriously.
the symptoms are unmistakeable (not that i'm suggesting hibernation is some sort of disease/illness)
but still.

ONE: i'm TIRED all the time. It's just so much effort to stay awake... I keep dozing off at crazy times like 8pm. I went to be at 10:30 last night (it was a saturday night!! and no it does not suggest that i have no life =="). i dont even have to get up early! I have no reason to be tired.

TWO: i can't stop eating. like, i know people will be like ohh amy's at it again, talking about her eating, saying she's fat blah blah let's ignore her.. BUT SERIOUSLY. i sit at home and i constantly have some sort of food next to me. i just cant stop eating. i dont even know why.

so the only conclusion i can draw is that my body is preparing itself for hibernation.
It IS winter afterall...
So, yes.
If i disappear, it's probably what's happened.
and if it does...
please dont invade my dreams and plant ideas in my mind plzthnx.


Saturday, July 24, 2010

"What's the most resilient parasite?

An idea."
Inception was AMAZING.

EVERYONE should definitely take the time to see this movie. i'm not gonna say more.
i dont wanna ruin it by not doing it justice by trying to describe it. nor do i want to spoil it for anyone.
it seems like i'm always afraid of ruining amazing things by blogging about them.


When i was walking home across the bridge (for the second time because i fail and forgot my keys so i had to go back down to city to get my brother's keys from him) i was thinking about the film which led to thinking about death, i kinda felt a wave of... something... that brought tears to my eyes.
maybe it was just the thought of death.
or maybe...
death as release.
as escape...
or maybe it was the idea of existence.
how... uncertain(?) it is.

which relates to something i was thinking about the other day.

"Something still exists as long as there's someone around to remember it."
                                                          -from Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

I've remembered this quote since the first time i read the book. I loved it (the quote) and found it seemingly very wise and true.
but now that i think about it...
I guess people are always saying stuff similar to it. i.e. "but he lives on... in my heart" etc. ^^;;;

i honestly dont know where i'm going with this.
but probably to somewhere dimly lit and not much fun.
funny, i actually related the quote to something positive the other day.
my mind is so easily manipulated.
hmm. maybe that's not a very good thing to say on the internet O_o which is a "public sphere". lol.

sigh. i just failed at sounding thoughful. see! there was a reason i wasnt blogging.... my thoughts arent translating to words very well atm.
oh god. rereading this entry.... it's SO BAD.
but i'm going to end up clicking the orange button that says publish post anyway.

on a completely unrelated and somewhat more positive note:

I baked doraemon cookies! this one was the cutest lol.
i'm kinda proud of them ^^;;
they were a present to Sarah<3, whose birthday was on wednesday.

mmm. time to to go read some chick lit i dug out of the train wreck that is my room. i forgot i even owned this book.
yes i read chick lit.
bite me.


Saturday, July 10, 2010


yea so i'm a bit of a loser... not that this comes as a suprise to anyone..
webcomics are awesome =D
yea it's about two guys who sit around and play video games
but seriously. it's so good. lol... i'm rereading it from the beginning again.... ^^;;;;

now i'm going to give you a link.
click it. i know you dont want to.
but do it. please.
(for the sake of our precious friendship)

ahem. sorry ^^;;;;
but you've gotta admit it's pretty cute and original.
now i'm not saying i'd say yes if someone proposed to me like that....
but. i'm not saying i'd say no either...

please dont judge me.
hmm it's probably already too late for that isnt it.


Tuesday, July 6, 2010

i....i... i'm SO SORRY!

OK. so i can no longer be a proud annoucer or "I HAVE NEVER SEEN TWILIGHT MOVIES"
i may never ever ever forgive myself for this.
i hope my soul is not permanently scarred.
and i hope rachel can find it in her heart to forgive me.
omg. eclipse. was. so. bad...
ok. i'm not gonna say more.
no more twilight rage. i'll uhh get over it.
maybe never ><"
i'm calm now....
but not really.
lol...... ><"
i didnt wanna be a bad sport. a killjoy. etc.
i like spending time with friends ^^
so i went.
a part of me shrivelled up and died. during that movie.

i was gonna blog more but i just.... cant anymore...
no... will... to live on.....


Thursday, July 1, 2010

you've got a friend in me~

I love Disney. and Pixar.
it was (and i'm sorry but i have to say this) a PERFECT ending.
even made me tear up a little. rofl.
no matter what, EVERYONE has to see this movie.
it would, of course be all the more amazing if you'd seen the first two when you were small. but i'm sure it was amazing for all the little kids now too. even if it doesn't have the same sort of resonance.
i'm not gonna say more.
just... watch it.
i'm serious.

oh and listen to this song:

as soon as i got home i gave my plushies all huge hugs. haha ^^;;
it made me think about my toys. and the ones that i had thrown or given away.
i hope they're all happy xp

As a kid, these two were my favourite plushies.
the rabbit - i got it after i fell over once and scraped off half my face. haha. my mum got if for me for being a good kid and letting her put medicine on my face.
the panda - my dad got this for me. from Nature's window. that shop in st lukes. haha~ it's actually a puppet. and it's a bit worn now... but it used to look so lifelike..
And no, they didn't really have names. I.. wasn't very good with names. the panda was called Panda and the rabbit was called Rabby. LOL

sorry. any chance to camwhore i guess? xp


Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Monday, June 21, 2010

I have nothing to say

and i get lost in the nothingness inside of me..

-Linkin Park <3

haha~ but really. nothing to say.


To sum things up:

taking photos of domokun late at night instead of studying
playing with sugar at a cafe instead of studying.
engineering library.
walking through albert park.
not being at uni when i should be.
sarah's body
rachel's hand.
ooohhh that last bit sounds dirty


Friday, June 11, 2010

Yea, i'm just lazy.

A wrote this a few months back. And cause i have nothing interesting to say and am feeling a tiny bit emo... i thought i'd post it.

Hello, goodbye -
A series of meetings.
A wave, a smile -
Distracted greetings.
Fragmented conversation:
a pause, scattered thoughts.
Avoiding confrontation
of the troubles life has brought.
Run away, look back
a flicker of regret.
It's courage that you'll always lack
and fear that you collect.
Life's slow giving,
life's quick taking
"life's worth living"
What's the bet you're staking?


Sunday, June 6, 2010

To whom it may concern.

I know that facebook is a huge part of your life. And whoever you're facebook stalking must be very very important. I know that those status updates you're reading are life changing and that photo album you've gone through twice is so difficult to understand that you must analyse every photo in great detail over and over. I know that your life depends on being at the top of the score list for bejewelled and that mafia wars dictates your future. I understand that it may ruin your friendship with someone if you don't reply to their wall post straight away. I know that if you don't watch the episode of grey's anatomy that you missed, you'll have a nervous breakdown. And i know that if you dont get to browse trademe or ebay endlessly you'll probably start crying hysterically.

Because i understand, I won't blame you for taking up the computers in the library by playing bejewelled when people need them to do research. I won't get mad that you're using the express work stations to go on facebook when there are 5 people lined up, waiting to print or scan stuff. I won't get annoyed that you're streaming tv shows with the ic zero computers when i have to write an essay.
By all means, TAKE YOUR TIME.

Much love,

the least sarcastic person in the world

Saturday, May 29, 2010


So i am, at the moment, very much in love with Oscar Wilde.
too bad he's gay. and not to mention long dead.
he, i believe, is the height of wit.
in an obsessive english student kinda way. i'm on a mission to read all his writing. but maybe after exams. cause. i'm pretty screwed. just saying.

kk. this entry is gonna be kinda long.
just a warning. please dont go away just cause of that =(

here's a pretty picture to keep you here:

it's a picture of the reflection of the sky tower on another building ^^
it's kinda cool, no? again, better irl.
and no, i am not obsessed with the sky tower ==""
although, it IS pretty. except the days that it lights up with that disgusting yellow colour >=(

slight rage:
ok. i totally get that the university is trying to "make things easier for students" by making facebook pages for classes or departments.
but. uh...
i'm cool with just getting cecil updates. really. there's nothing wrong with sticking to school stuff and not trying to make things more "relatable" and "user friendly" for students. School is school. i'm sure everyone can deal with it.
and it just gets ridiculous when we dont get information because we didnt join the english department facebook page.
like... honestly???
that's just stupid. why do they assume that everyone uses facebook? and even if every single student DID have facebook, why would they want to join the department page? why would we want to mingle our lives away from study with study stuff? why would we want to get updates about 'the english journal' that MIGHT START NEXT SEMESTER BUT WE'RE NOT 100% SURE on the page that we're reading about the lives of our friends?
like, honestly. not getting infromation casue it's ONLY posted on facebook....
it's a complete and utter failure on their part, i think.
i also had another thing to rage about that was related to facebook. but i forgot... ah well. i'm sure no one minds that i dont rage. lol.

yayyyyy picture of the sky. i havent put one up on this blog before. i actually collect pictures of the sky. i think people already know this. hahahaha... ^^;;;
everytime i say "the sky" people think i'm saying "this guy"
"i have a huge collection of photos of the sky"
"what!?" O_o
"The. sky. not this. guy." (yes because i have a huge collection of photos of this one guy *creepy* )

which leads to my next... thing...
sorry. here's some chinese, i'll translate. well. i'll try my best. even though i have crap skills.

女人 的條件:
條件分很多種但絕對沒有十全十美的女人.... 漂亮的不下廚, 會下廚的不溫柔, 溫柔的美主見, 有主見的沒女人味, 有女人味的會亂花錢, 不會亂花錢的不會打扮, 會打扮的不放心, 放心的... 肯定不能看.
- 偷心大聖 PS 男

Requirements/criteria for being/of a woman:
there are many differrent requirements but there are definitely no perfect women... the pretty ones dont cook, the ones who can cook aren't gentle, the gentle ones are unassertive, the assertive ones lack femininity, the feminine ones spend money recklessly , those who don't spend money recklessly dont know how to dress up, the ones who know how to dress up make you worry/insecure, those who dont make you worry/insecure... are definitely ugly [literally: you can't look at them]

this is from a taiwanese drama. it's a pretty crap drama. but this part made me lol.
that's so mean!! >=(
but there are slightly true aspects to it i guess.... hmmm... haha...
there's a part about guys as well.... i was gonna type it out next entry but i might as well do it now. although i kinda cbf.

有才華的長的醜, 長的帥的不會賺錢, 會賺錢的不顧家, 顧家的沒出息, 有出息的不浪漫, 浪漫的靠不住, 靠的住的.... 肯定是窩囊廢.
Requirements/criteria for being/of a man:
the talented ones are ugly, the handsome ones dont know how to make money, the ones who know how to make money don't take care of their family, the ones who take care of their family are 'good-for-nothing', those who arent are not romantic, romantic ones can't be relied on, reliable ones... are definitely losers/worthless/useless
the ones for men is kinda not as good as the ones for women.
lol~ these are only for fun though. i dont really think they're true..
it's playing on stereotypes (==" yes yes i state the obvious)
however, the guy in the drama DOES go on to say that any man or woman with over 2 of these requirements are satisfactory (or better i guess) and those with 3 are pretty amazing.
this stupid game that we humans play.

anyway, this is long enough. and. i dont know, i kinda pointless? nevermind. it was fun. it took wayyyyyyy too long though.

i shall leave you with Oscar Wilde:

"one must be serious about something if one wants to have any amusement in life"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ahhh i've missed talking to you michael.

"What's this!?

Michael's evolving!

Michael evolved into Normal Michael!

Michael is trying to learn SOCIALISE!

But he already knows 4 moves!

Forget a move in order to make room?

1... 2... and poof!

Michael forgot PREVERTED COMMENTS and learnt SOCIALISE!"

     -Michael Kim

Sorry this is so random, i actually wasnt gonna blog today.
but yea.
normal entry next time!


Friday, May 21, 2010

No matter what i do

all i think about is you.
 - Dilemma by Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland

ahhhh this song... it takes me back.... i dont necessarily have any memories associated to it. but i remember it was played everywhere, repeatedly. i dont think i knew how to download songs back then. lol~~
it reminds me of the feeling of childhood. haha.. like, it reminds me of being naive. and reminds me of being carefree.
sighhh i was so young back then i didnt even understand or pay attention to the lyrics lol
i think i had it as my ringtone in year 9...
so i came across the song when i was killing time (that i couldnt really afford to be killing) on youtube.
and related videos led me to:

"cause it's all in my head, i think about it over and over again"
- Over and Over by Nelly featuring Tim McGraw

it's such a good song!! i love it. i think the song came out when we were in intermediate? i cant really remember. but when i hear this song, i just feel an amazing sense of nostalgia, not that i could relate to it in any way, just... i guess i just feel kind of sad about a period of time that has passed in my life. Also, when i think about the friends with whom i listened to these songs... i just, feel sad that they arent my friends anymore.
it both seems like a long time ago and not a long time ago.

oh yea and who can forget

"it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes"

i think they played this at a school disco. O_o
ooooooh how inappropriate.

i couldnt stop singing these songs at uni today... and we eneded up talking about old songs that we liked for a little while and now i cant stop listening to songs from before high school... each song triggers the memory of another... and another.. and so on.
i don't like neglecting music. but i dont think i can help it. i wonder what happened to all my old songs. i guess they just got lost when i got a new computer...
lol~~ how is that even possible. it's not like moving houses.

if only i had my old computer!! i'd upload a picture from intermediate... but alas! i cannot.

 - credits to Ryan Tseng

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


all my troubles seemed so far away.
Beatles <3

but. that's not true. at least for me atm.
i just. sigh. cbf life. just. so pointless. no motivation. nothing to look forward to. time crawls. which i both hate and also want because i need more time. so contradictory.

anyway. the reason i titled the entry yesterday was because of this photo i took yesterday (and by that i mean monday, leave me alone.. it's still tuesday for me)

it's kinda pretty, no? it was better in real life. sigh. cause the sky was darker and you could actually see the cresent moon next to it and it was so bright and gorgeous. but the stupid camera ruined it.
i actually walked past someone taking a photo and i was like "lol what" and then i looked up and realised how pretty it was. lol.

another photo.
oh god i have become someone who takes photos of coffee?!? my flat white in POD:

lol~ the coffee from POD isnt too bad actually. i'm thinking i might stop drinking mochas all the time.i mean, i like the chocolatey-ness, but today i had one that was WAY too sweet.  lattes and flat whites are growing on me. i never wanna drink anything with TOO MUCH caffeine. cause. i dont want my hands to shake and my heart to pound and i dont want to not be able to sleep at night (it's already a problem)

2 essays left to do.

need you now by lady antebellum.
on repeat for like. at least 20 hours in total now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

things i should have blogged about earlier

hm. so havent blogged in almost a week. i dont know.
just not feeling it.
and i hate being boring.

mother's day was last sunday and i failed to get my mother a present. TT""
fail daughter.
hmm. i read a quote off a flyer that the sweetest little chocolate shop handed out which said "god couldnt be everywhere so he invented mothers"

cue collective "AWWWW"

anyway. i made a cake. that i'm actually quite proud of ^^;;;; cause i'm not exactly good at baking. actually i'm gonna be honest and say that this cake was my second attempt. the first one died a horrible and painful death.

but my mummy's gone back to taiwan again TT"
sigh. she left today. QQ

MAYDAY conert on tuesday. it was AMAZING <3 BEST ASAIN BAND EVARRR. rofl.
i'm not gonna say more. cause my fangirlism has been used up this week. and i dont think i really should rant about it on my blog. but. TT"" wish i had gone and stalked them..
plus, i dont think i could do them justice with my fail describing skills.

exams very soon. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Will you become unified with me?

I feel that that is the best way to ask someone out.
I'd be suprised if they didn't say yes.

you know how else you should show your affections for someone? by saying this (in a txt):
Hey sexy you the lovely. I miss you because i didn't see you today and also because you are not with me right now but drinking instead with gaybos. My heart yearns for your love and to show this you need to blog about it and how I sent you this text as a testimony of my love.
i was so touched by this amazing txt. it was not only well written but really spoke to the depths of my heart.
i wish i could write things like that.
so. brownie points to whoever composed it. i'm guessing it was ryan. (who is awesome btw. like omg he is so cool. like. he should get an award for how cool he is. other people are cool too. but ryan requested he be mentioned.)
or maybe it was a group effort.
but you know what. i love you guys lots for it O_o it's an intense sort of love. like in a "cut of my limbs kind of way" (courtesy of rachel)


uh. right. ahem.

starbucks lady. in newmarket:
"we're closing now you have to leave" with angry face and aggressive i'm-going-to-kill-your-firstborn voice. like.... no one in the shop was even being obnoxious. we weren't. for once.
no warning, "no we're closing in five minutes"
it's not like we refused to leave.
geez. ok lady. calm down. like seriously.
she might as well have just said "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SHOP"
ah well. maybe i'm just being too sensitive. maybe she didnt mean it that way.
maybe she was just having a bad day.

so. um. yea.

the woods of arcady are dead
and over is their antique joy

just.... by the way. lol. SO GLAD i finially handed in my essay. i can now touch type "the song of the happy shepherd" which is the name of the poem i was writing on.

uhhhh. i'm cold. i cant feel my fingers.

Lewis Carroll is awesome btw. i never realised before. but there are DEATH JOKES in Alice in Wonderland.

"yea man, i'm a special kind of crazy"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A:"i dont think your brain explodes if you electrocute yourself" B: "you wanna try and see?"

on a completely unrealted note,
WOOT chinese martial arts<3
i wish i was pro.
haha. IP MAN 2 was an AWESOME movie.
even though it was in canto and i dont like reading subs in movies.

AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I finally saw the movie "The Ring"
tbh. it's not that good.
it's not good at all.
it's terrible.
i was scared at two points while watching the movie:
1. sarah screaming going "WTF SPIDER" and threw it on me =="
2. alex suddenly yelling "WAH!" to deliberately scare us some random point.
and yea. i mean sure. some parts were kinda like "ewww" but really. .. it was crap.
i'm kinda glad it wasnt too scary ^^;;

"what if you dont have a phone nearby?"
"what if  you go have a shower and dont hear the phone?"
"what if you played it in new york times square? would all the phones ring simultaneously? and what if you dont have a mobile phone?"
"what would happen if you only watch half of it?"
"if you watch it twice do you die in 3 and a half days?"
"what if your phone doesnt take calls?" (like my old one) would you get a txt message?"
stupid questions like that kept me from being scared at all i guess...

^^ had lunch well kinda like brunch with Sunny today.
it was fun~~ i like hanging out with her.
sigh, good times in europe.
i wanna go again.

like, so badly. to see the palaces and stuff. sigghhhh.
it'd be SO AWESOME during winter.
although it would probably be cold as hell.
even though hell is usually uh thought of as hot, no?

no pictures this time. cbf uploading from phone.
i should sleep soon. i'm getting up early to do work >=)
ambitious much?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


ROFL sif
i'm not gonna blog about him i just thought that it was funny.
but really, what is it with girls nowadays.

anyway. uhhmm
everyday when i walk home from uni i walk past the graveyard. and i notice that some homeless people sleep on the benches in the graveyard. and i was thinking what if they've passed onto "the other world" without noticing and that those are just ghost lingering around the graveyard *shudder*
sometimes, they ask passerbys for money.
 i wonder if it's cause they have to pay the ferryman Charon to get across the river Styx.
because. they dont want to wander the shores for a hundred years.
> <"
lol. i think too much..

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

/Rage Quit Life

oh wait. Kendra has stolen all the 'Q's. damn.
to be honest, i cbf rage quitting life.
i just cbf life.

speaking of which, both rach and kendra have recently dreamt of my death.
that's a good omen if i ever saw one.

yea. so i was acting really crazy today.  like one minute hysterically laughing and one minute banging my head on the table. lol it was funny though at one point, people thought i was crying hysterically. it kinda was funny. but not. i also drew death related things on alex's coursebook <3
 i dont know was wrong with me. sigh. i didnt even have any coffee.
i dont like mood swings. they scare me.

SO. assignment time. or not. i wodner if i can find inspiration at the bottom of a wine bottle. rofl. i'm just kidding, i'm not an alcoholic.

ok so this entry was meant for yesterday. and i really didnt get around to publishing it. lol. So uh. i wanted to finish it today. and before i logged on and started typing, i totally knew what i was gonna say. but now.

i shall leave with the resolve to do my assignment.

and i'll write anlther entry later tonight if i remember what i wanted to say.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

lol i'm not obsessed with food...... T^T

Uni has started once more, my mother is in nz once more and i have resolved to study harder from now on...
blah blah.

ok. so small things amuse small minds. but. ZOMG LOOK AT THIS PIECE OF SUSHI

It's super salmon sushi. ROFL. Kendra and I were so excited by it.
I showed Mac (all enthusiastically) and he was like "oh wow, you're so immature" or something along those lines. meh. typical Mac response i suppose.

Another picture of food:

BLT Bagels at Cima <3 i love that cafe
oh and those are Rachel's fingers on the left of the photo. She's a stealthy one.
i dont know why i bothered to take a photo of my food really...
but it was pretty =D

speaking of photos of food.
i made chocolate chip cookies today!!
TT"" but they're ugly. so. i'm not putting a photo up... they taste... ok i suppose.
i have to keep working on my baking! making a cake next week. or the week after.

lol~ all i do lately is make food, talk about food and eat food.
it reminds me of a conversation i had with someone once:
"What you up to?"
"Binge Eating"
"OH that's always so attractive in a girl"
of course, i'm far too much of a wuss to actually have said the last bit. i think i just said "lol" and went back to my binge eating.  which is kind of like what i've been doing lately.
i'm going to weigh 500 million gazillion kgs soon.
don't disown me ok guys?

i shall leave with a photo of epic asian-ness

(despite what my normal photos look like)

i look like a freak O_o
i hate this photo.
it pains me.
but i had to prove a point.
or several or like. two.
-i dont always look away from the camera
-i dont always look depressed

Monday, April 12, 2010

"All he has to say is "hey babe, i have a Harley" and i'll take my clothes off"

motorbikes are sexy <3
I want one. omg.

2009 Softail Deluxe in deep turquoise/antique white with steel laced wheels
TT"" it'
ONE DAY. i'll own one.

a day spent with friends doing nothing but chatting/gossiping/bitching over coffee and subsequently, cocktails. it was so great. =]

And i don't mean to be all sentimental but i really love my friends lots.
like A LOT.
but in all seriousness. all my friends have been so lovely to me. putting up with my depressed-ness. staying up late with me, listened to me bitch, talk about the same things over and over, being on my side, hugged me, hung out with me, made me laugh and just... spent time with me or spent time on me.

When i was younger i used to be really insecure about my friends... like. i worried i'd never find really good friends. I never felt really close to anyone. like. at some points i felt so alone... I was always scared they didnt see me as good friends... and some of them didn't.. even though i saw them as my close friends. lol no, i'm not going to start some sob story. lol.
but now. i have amazing friends. that i know truly care about me and will never ever leave me.
i wont let them >=)
but yea, sometimes when i'm with my friends now i'm just SO happy. and i'm really truly so thankful that i found them.
and yea...
/end sentiment.
but yea. i love you guysssssss <3
like really.
like i REALLY REALLY love you.
*backs slowly away.. *

Sunday, April 11, 2010

All i seem to do is post pictures of food nowadays...

ok. so.. thursday night, everyone was at foam party.
well not everyone. it seems that lots of people actually bailed?
meh. idk.
but yea. while everyone was getting ready to go to foam party, i was baking brownies xD
because yea, i'm cool like that...
anyway, behold my work:

ok so it doesnt look great, but it's actually the most successful tasting brownie i have ever cooked.
lol. and yes it isn't square, leave me alone TT""
my brownies are shaped like slices of cake... cause i dont have a square tin..

so yea. that's it... lol (and freaking hell why wont the picture rotate...!!)

the long awaited blueberry pancakes. rofl nathan and i worked out a system of counting to 35 before we flipped each pancake.

but. they've finally been made and sarah will stop bugging me about them now xp
sarah kept saying we didnt need baking powder =="" WTH !! i've never made pancakes WITHOUT baking powder. lol.

i think jaever went a LITTLE overboard with the icing sugar, but it was awesome.
i will never eat pancakes without icing sugar again.

oh... and.. ><"" my domokun cake still hasnt been made... /fail..
i havent had time to go and buy red food colouring yet.
so i dont think i'm going to make it anytime soon...
maybe in a few weeks...
faaarrrr i have to STOP eating sweet stuff..
which reminds me. i have ice cream in the freezer..
should i eat it?

Thursday, April 8, 2010

HAHA i just published this and i noticed there wasn't a title. i love this~ i dont need a title! it used to make me so mad when i was feeling uncreative.
yes, small things amuse small minds.

Isn't it funny how one small thing can just completely alter your mood?
actually, it really isn't funny...

The sky was SO beautiful when i walked home today... blue, fading into purples and pinks and the sun, which was disappearing behind the buildings was this gorgeous orange. i couldn't help staring at it. even though lat time i checked, it's bad to stare into the sun =P sighhh. i can never describe images and colours like that. i wish i had had a camera with me... my phone camera is broken... ><""
i'm so upset about not capturing that moment. Cause, you know... i have an obsession with taking photos of the sky... ^^;;

I was thinking about the futility of my blog...
I mean, people have food blogs, travel blogs, fashion blogs, makeup blogs....
and i have a italkabouteverythingandalsonothing blog.
maybe i should think of a theme...
hmm... maybe next time. haha.
i'm thinking of blogging more. like everyday.

i thought i'd make it more intersting by putting pictures in my blog. and it was. well. i thought so anyway. haha. but i dont even have a good picture today.

the end.
cool story aye.

Monday, April 5, 2010

"oh yea, i hate them stalker baked goods"

And so it is april.
and ahahahaha lecturers are so hilarious they thought it was so hilarious to say "oh and by the way your assignments are due soon" on thurday (april fools). Thanks guys. that one totally hasnt been used before.
= =""

on the other hand.. HOLIDAYS. omg<3
not that think i deserve a holiday... i didnt work nearly enough this half semester.
but nevertheless.
now i have time to clean up my life.
and by that i mean my house.
but yea, in all seriousness, time to get my act together.
tomorrow. or the day after. xp


before icing:

after icing:

lol i admit, i'm a terrible cook/baker... anything in the kitchen really.
haha yes bring on the woman/kitchen jokes.
TT everyone was so lovely to me. they were like "no, no the cupcakes weren't salty" which made me smile. although i know they were... damn salted butter.

And yes, sarah and I are so cool.
while the majority of people were outside drinking/smoking, doing whatever they were doing... we were baking cookies.
and then. it just turned out to be this one big cookie. cause they suck and were like "OMG GIANT COOKIE" sigghh
so it turned out like this:

it was fun though. and it didnt taste too terrible.

it was either this entry or an emo entry.
desserts first, emo, next time.

OH and ryan said i was supposed to say he's cool on my blog. sif he's gonna read it anyway.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


After my hardout wannabe pro last entry.... time for a rambling random filler one:

TT my phone is dying....
it has pretty much lost the main function a phone should have...CALLING
In calls... i can't hear people but they can hear me.
sigghhh how fail..
I suppose now i have enough incentive to get a new one. i kinda HAVE been looking around the net for a new phone. but only for research purposes... i wanted to save up money and buy a new and pro one. i currently have no money
what to do.. what  to do.. i dont want my parents to buy me one. I wanna be independent!! haha ^^:;
sigghhh japanese people are so lucky, they get the pro-est awesome-est phones. so jealous TT
i want one!! they have such pretty clamshell/flip phones <3

SHARP WX-T923. I wanttttt~~ I think i can get this one in taiwan... but.. they only have it in black TT !!

Woooo mid sem break next week~~~
the prospect of going camping... is exciting ^^;;
hope the weather doesnt freak out on us. and i hope we acutally go through with the idea.
on the other hand
assignments due this week TT

ARGGHH my house is messy TT and there's no food at my house..
i fail at "keeping house". lol
This is a picture of my desk:

ahh so embarrassing~~ ><"
to be fair, i havent been using my desk at all. well. that's not really any justtification. people will think "of course you cant use your desk if it looks like that"

another thing.
i feel like baking...
cupcakes <3 and making icing will be fun too ^^
hahahah can't wait~ i'm excited =D

oh and. the weather angers me lately >=( it's so blah..
one minute of sunshine, next minute rain, but not even hardout rain just annoying light showers. and then wind. and overcast gloom. and then as if it's tauting us, sun again. and then gloom again.

my hair's growing long TT it's gonna lose the shape soon D=

I also look so incredibly horrible and out of it in the photo. i'm sorry the world has to see this. wth is my face doing.... sighhhhh i took this just now, actually. cause i really wanted an example of my fail hair.
lol why am i explaining. not much can fix my face.
that's why i dont wear make up. it wont fix ANYTHING.

no, i am not fishing for compliments.
I feel i always have to make this clear.

earth hour last night. no, i didnt do it.. ><"" i fail. lol. i did it last year just to play with candles tbh... ^^;;


I shall leave with words of complete and absolute wisdom but also of absolute irrelevance to the above entry:

Alcohol is evil.