Sunday, June 6, 2010

To whom it may concern.

I know that facebook is a huge part of your life. And whoever you're facebook stalking must be very very important. I know that those status updates you're reading are life changing and that photo album you've gone through twice is so difficult to understand that you must analyse every photo in great detail over and over. I know that your life depends on being at the top of the score list for bejewelled and that mafia wars dictates your future. I understand that it may ruin your friendship with someone if you don't reply to their wall post straight away. I know that if you don't watch the episode of grey's anatomy that you missed, you'll have a nervous breakdown. And i know that if you dont get to browse trademe or ebay endlessly you'll probably start crying hysterically.

Because i understand, I won't blame you for taking up the computers in the library by playing bejewelled when people need them to do research. I won't get mad that you're using the express work stations to go on facebook when there are 5 people lined up, waiting to print or scan stuff. I won't get annoyed that you're streaming tv shows with the ic zero computers when i have to write an essay.
By all means, TAKE YOUR TIME.

Much love,

the least sarcastic person in the world


  1. I never use the uni computers but thats only cause i know i will never find a free one cause of all the above reasons!! Its so annoying just to see people on fb and crap when people are walking around obviously looking to do some work!!
