Saturday, May 29, 2010


So i am, at the moment, very much in love with Oscar Wilde.
too bad he's gay. and not to mention long dead.
he, i believe, is the height of wit.
in an obsessive english student kinda way. i'm on a mission to read all his writing. but maybe after exams. cause. i'm pretty screwed. just saying.

kk. this entry is gonna be kinda long.
just a warning. please dont go away just cause of that =(

here's a pretty picture to keep you here:

it's a picture of the reflection of the sky tower on another building ^^
it's kinda cool, no? again, better irl.
and no, i am not obsessed with the sky tower ==""
although, it IS pretty. except the days that it lights up with that disgusting yellow colour >=(

slight rage:
ok. i totally get that the university is trying to "make things easier for students" by making facebook pages for classes or departments.
but. uh...
i'm cool with just getting cecil updates. really. there's nothing wrong with sticking to school stuff and not trying to make things more "relatable" and "user friendly" for students. School is school. i'm sure everyone can deal with it.
and it just gets ridiculous when we dont get information because we didnt join the english department facebook page.
like... honestly???
that's just stupid. why do they assume that everyone uses facebook? and even if every single student DID have facebook, why would they want to join the department page? why would we want to mingle our lives away from study with study stuff? why would we want to get updates about 'the english journal' that MIGHT START NEXT SEMESTER BUT WE'RE NOT 100% SURE on the page that we're reading about the lives of our friends?
like, honestly. not getting infromation casue it's ONLY posted on facebook....
it's a complete and utter failure on their part, i think.
i also had another thing to rage about that was related to facebook. but i forgot... ah well. i'm sure no one minds that i dont rage. lol.

yayyyyy picture of the sky. i havent put one up on this blog before. i actually collect pictures of the sky. i think people already know this. hahahaha... ^^;;;
everytime i say "the sky" people think i'm saying "this guy"
"i have a huge collection of photos of the sky"
"what!?" O_o
"The. sky. not this. guy." (yes because i have a huge collection of photos of this one guy *creepy* )

which leads to my next... thing...
sorry. here's some chinese, i'll translate. well. i'll try my best. even though i have crap skills.

女人 的條件:
條件分很多種但絕對沒有十全十美的女人.... 漂亮的不下廚, 會下廚的不溫柔, 溫柔的美主見, 有主見的沒女人味, 有女人味的會亂花錢, 不會亂花錢的不會打扮, 會打扮的不放心, 放心的... 肯定不能看.
- 偷心大聖 PS 男

Requirements/criteria for being/of a woman:
there are many differrent requirements but there are definitely no perfect women... the pretty ones dont cook, the ones who can cook aren't gentle, the gentle ones are unassertive, the assertive ones lack femininity, the feminine ones spend money recklessly , those who don't spend money recklessly dont know how to dress up, the ones who know how to dress up make you worry/insecure, those who dont make you worry/insecure... are definitely ugly [literally: you can't look at them]

this is from a taiwanese drama. it's a pretty crap drama. but this part made me lol.
that's so mean!! >=(
but there are slightly true aspects to it i guess.... hmmm... haha...
there's a part about guys as well.... i was gonna type it out next entry but i might as well do it now. although i kinda cbf.

有才華的長的醜, 長的帥的不會賺錢, 會賺錢的不顧家, 顧家的沒出息, 有出息的不浪漫, 浪漫的靠不住, 靠的住的.... 肯定是窩囊廢.
Requirements/criteria for being/of a man:
the talented ones are ugly, the handsome ones dont know how to make money, the ones who know how to make money don't take care of their family, the ones who take care of their family are 'good-for-nothing', those who arent are not romantic, romantic ones can't be relied on, reliable ones... are definitely losers/worthless/useless
the ones for men is kinda not as good as the ones for women.
lol~ these are only for fun though. i dont really think they're true..
it's playing on stereotypes (==" yes yes i state the obvious)
however, the guy in the drama DOES go on to say that any man or woman with over 2 of these requirements are satisfactory (or better i guess) and those with 3 are pretty amazing.
this stupid game that we humans play.

anyway, this is long enough. and. i dont know, i kinda pointless? nevermind. it was fun. it took wayyyyyyy too long though.

i shall leave you with Oscar Wilde:

"one must be serious about something if one wants to have any amusement in life"

Monday, May 24, 2010

Ahhh i've missed talking to you michael.

"What's this!?

Michael's evolving!

Michael evolved into Normal Michael!

Michael is trying to learn SOCIALISE!

But he already knows 4 moves!

Forget a move in order to make room?

1... 2... and poof!

Michael forgot PREVERTED COMMENTS and learnt SOCIALISE!"

     -Michael Kim

Sorry this is so random, i actually wasnt gonna blog today.
but yea.
normal entry next time!


Friday, May 21, 2010

No matter what i do

all i think about is you.
 - Dilemma by Nelly featuring Kelly Rowland

ahhhh this song... it takes me back.... i dont necessarily have any memories associated to it. but i remember it was played everywhere, repeatedly. i dont think i knew how to download songs back then. lol~~
it reminds me of the feeling of childhood. haha.. like, it reminds me of being naive. and reminds me of being carefree.
sighhh i was so young back then i didnt even understand or pay attention to the lyrics lol
i think i had it as my ringtone in year 9...
so i came across the song when i was killing time (that i couldnt really afford to be killing) on youtube.
and related videos led me to:

"cause it's all in my head, i think about it over and over again"
- Over and Over by Nelly featuring Tim McGraw

it's such a good song!! i love it. i think the song came out when we were in intermediate? i cant really remember. but when i hear this song, i just feel an amazing sense of nostalgia, not that i could relate to it in any way, just... i guess i just feel kind of sad about a period of time that has passed in my life. Also, when i think about the friends with whom i listened to these songs... i just, feel sad that they arent my friends anymore.
it both seems like a long time ago and not a long time ago.

oh yea and who can forget

"it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes"

i think they played this at a school disco. O_o
ooooooh how inappropriate.

i couldnt stop singing these songs at uni today... and we eneded up talking about old songs that we liked for a little while and now i cant stop listening to songs from before high school... each song triggers the memory of another... and another.. and so on.
i don't like neglecting music. but i dont think i can help it. i wonder what happened to all my old songs. i guess they just got lost when i got a new computer...
lol~~ how is that even possible. it's not like moving houses.

if only i had my old computer!! i'd upload a picture from intermediate... but alas! i cannot.

 - credits to Ryan Tseng

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


all my troubles seemed so far away.
Beatles <3

but. that's not true. at least for me atm.
i just. sigh. cbf life. just. so pointless. no motivation. nothing to look forward to. time crawls. which i both hate and also want because i need more time. so contradictory.

anyway. the reason i titled the entry yesterday was because of this photo i took yesterday (and by that i mean monday, leave me alone.. it's still tuesday for me)

it's kinda pretty, no? it was better in real life. sigh. cause the sky was darker and you could actually see the cresent moon next to it and it was so bright and gorgeous. but the stupid camera ruined it.
i actually walked past someone taking a photo and i was like "lol what" and then i looked up and realised how pretty it was. lol.

another photo.
oh god i have become someone who takes photos of coffee?!? my flat white in POD:

lol~ the coffee from POD isnt too bad actually. i'm thinking i might stop drinking mochas all the time.i mean, i like the chocolatey-ness, but today i had one that was WAY too sweet.  lattes and flat whites are growing on me. i never wanna drink anything with TOO MUCH caffeine. cause. i dont want my hands to shake and my heart to pound and i dont want to not be able to sleep at night (it's already a problem)

2 essays left to do.

need you now by lady antebellum.
on repeat for like. at least 20 hours in total now.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

things i should have blogged about earlier

hm. so havent blogged in almost a week. i dont know.
just not feeling it.
and i hate being boring.

mother's day was last sunday and i failed to get my mother a present. TT""
fail daughter.
hmm. i read a quote off a flyer that the sweetest little chocolate shop handed out which said "god couldnt be everywhere so he invented mothers"

cue collective "AWWWW"

anyway. i made a cake. that i'm actually quite proud of ^^;;;; cause i'm not exactly good at baking. actually i'm gonna be honest and say that this cake was my second attempt. the first one died a horrible and painful death.

but my mummy's gone back to taiwan again TT"
sigh. she left today. QQ

MAYDAY conert on tuesday. it was AMAZING <3 BEST ASAIN BAND EVARRR. rofl.
i'm not gonna say more. cause my fangirlism has been used up this week. and i dont think i really should rant about it on my blog. but. TT"" wish i had gone and stalked them..
plus, i dont think i could do them justice with my fail describing skills.

exams very soon. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Will you become unified with me?

I feel that that is the best way to ask someone out.
I'd be suprised if they didn't say yes.

you know how else you should show your affections for someone? by saying this (in a txt):
Hey sexy you the lovely. I miss you because i didn't see you today and also because you are not with me right now but drinking instead with gaybos. My heart yearns for your love and to show this you need to blog about it and how I sent you this text as a testimony of my love.
i was so touched by this amazing txt. it was not only well written but really spoke to the depths of my heart.
i wish i could write things like that.
so. brownie points to whoever composed it. i'm guessing it was ryan. (who is awesome btw. like omg he is so cool. like. he should get an award for how cool he is. other people are cool too. but ryan requested he be mentioned.)
or maybe it was a group effort.
but you know what. i love you guys lots for it O_o it's an intense sort of love. like in a "cut of my limbs kind of way" (courtesy of rachel)


uh. right. ahem.

starbucks lady. in newmarket:
"we're closing now you have to leave" with angry face and aggressive i'm-going-to-kill-your-firstborn voice. like.... no one in the shop was even being obnoxious. we weren't. for once.
no warning, "no we're closing in five minutes"
it's not like we refused to leave.
geez. ok lady. calm down. like seriously.
she might as well have just said "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY SHOP"
ah well. maybe i'm just being too sensitive. maybe she didnt mean it that way.
maybe she was just having a bad day.

so. um. yea.

the woods of arcady are dead
and over is their antique joy

just.... by the way. lol. SO GLAD i finially handed in my essay. i can now touch type "the song of the happy shepherd" which is the name of the poem i was writing on.

uhhhh. i'm cold. i cant feel my fingers.

Lewis Carroll is awesome btw. i never realised before. but there are DEATH JOKES in Alice in Wonderland.

"yea man, i'm a special kind of crazy"

Saturday, May 1, 2010

A:"i dont think your brain explodes if you electrocute yourself" B: "you wanna try and see?"

on a completely unrealted note,
WOOT chinese martial arts<3
i wish i was pro.
haha. IP MAN 2 was an AWESOME movie.
even though it was in canto and i dont like reading subs in movies.

AFTER ALL THESE YEARS. I finally saw the movie "The Ring"
tbh. it's not that good.
it's not good at all.
it's terrible.
i was scared at two points while watching the movie:
1. sarah screaming going "WTF SPIDER" and threw it on me =="
2. alex suddenly yelling "WAH!" to deliberately scare us some random point.
and yea. i mean sure. some parts were kinda like "ewww" but really. .. it was crap.
i'm kinda glad it wasnt too scary ^^;;

"what if you dont have a phone nearby?"
"what if  you go have a shower and dont hear the phone?"
"what if you played it in new york times square? would all the phones ring simultaneously? and what if you dont have a mobile phone?"
"what would happen if you only watch half of it?"
"if you watch it twice do you die in 3 and a half days?"
"what if your phone doesnt take calls?" (like my old one) would you get a txt message?"
stupid questions like that kept me from being scared at all i guess...

^^ had lunch well kinda like brunch with Sunny today.
it was fun~~ i like hanging out with her.
sigh, good times in europe.
i wanna go again.

like, so badly. to see the palaces and stuff. sigghhhh.
it'd be SO AWESOME during winter.
although it would probably be cold as hell.
even though hell is usually uh thought of as hot, no?

no pictures this time. cbf uploading from phone.
i should sleep soon. i'm getting up early to do work >=)
ambitious much?