Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Goodbye (kinda but not really)

I thought about this for a long time and I've decided that it's time to say goodbye to this blog.

Of course, this is not goodbye forever, pfft as if it's that easy to stop me from rambling on the internet. I'm just... Moving to a new blog.

I've been blogging since around the second half of my first year of high school (ah, good old msn spaces) and I got really really into it, making sure to update weekly about my life and my feelings, I tried to learn html to make glow fonts etc, I asked my readers about the themes and what they preferred.. haha I think at one point my entries would average about ten comments each. I was super proud of that at the time haha.
I even made a friend (sorta). She was an anonymous follower who actually went to my school and she'd always read my entries and comment and say stuff like "maybe I'll see you at school tomorrow and not even know it, but I hope I do". I slowly started blogging less and less when I neared the end of high school (I think it was cause CIE was pretty full on and I had to study all the time)
Aaannywayyyyy, I wanted to blog again after awhile so I started this blog at the end of my first year of uni... And it's been fun ^^ I know my blogging has become mostly angst or bad poetry but I still really enjoyed having somewhere to vent, and I appreciate that people still read my entries even if they were often vague and passive aggressive and pretentious.

So, well, I thought it was sort of fitting that I start a new one now, in the second half of my first year out of uni.

I know I've said a million times that I wanna start blogging properly again and have made a few other blogs in an attempt to do that, but have been (as you may have noticed) less than successful...


The past two chapters of my life have each had their own blog, and this new chapter deserves one too^^

I don't know how many people still actually read this, or just occasionally glance at it when they think of it, but I appreciate it a lot ^^ that people care even a tiny bit about my rambles and my life to read what I write. Ugh I wondered for ages which platform I should use..  Contemplated using WordPress for ages but I decided on tumblr in the end~
So here's the link to my new blog Chapter 7
Please visit ^^

Luff you guise


1 comment:

  1. Lol I don't have tumblr so guess I'll have to just follow you in the dark...unseen...in a bird costume.
