Wednesday, November 30, 2011

I went to your wedding~~

(i guess no one will get that reference in the title... it's a super old song)
Anyway, I went to a wedding.
I have to admit, I teared up a little. Silly, huh.
idk what did it..
I mean, it was cute. They did the whole slideshow thing and the obligatory parental wellwishing speech.
They walked into the ballroom venue dueting a cute love song.
The bride was super pretty and the groom was kinda cute too.
blah blah.
lol. I'm sorry. That's rude. I shouldn't make light of their special day.
No, I just mean, WHY THE HELL DID I TEAR UP?
Am I one of those crazy emotional spontaneous criers?
Is is that I'm older now and understand the world more? So I feel things more? ugh idk (it is a lot easier to make me cry nowadays.. as opposed to, say, my intermediate and early high shool days)
I didn't even know the bride that well. Or at all. I know her younger sister better. And still, not even that well.
Am I warming to the idea of getting married?! lol.. it's not like i was ever against marriage.. it's just that I was never one of those girls who planned out their wedding in excruciating detail by the time they were 10. I never played brides with sheets as a child.
I was thoroughly perplexed.
Maybe I waws just caught up in the moment of the bride and groom being so adorable together, being so in love and everyone being so happy.
Maybe I just wondered for a split second if i would ever have that happiness and in that split second I decided I wouldn't and I felt sad.
Maybe it's my foreveraloneness tauting me. lololololol
just kidding.
It's not that complicated. Maybe weddings are just touching and love is worth tearing up for.

After the wedding I spent the next 2 days telling my parents I thought i would be alone forever and no one would want to marry me and i wanted them to find me a husband and i wanted to get married now.
they got really really annoyed. and worried.
I'm an annoying child.
Maybe I'm like Chandler and my humour is a defense mechanism =P and i'm actually super worried noone will marry me D=

trust me to ruin a wonderful thing.



Sunday, November 20, 2011

Bullet Points

  • I need a new keychain. Woody  fell off ): I just found him on my bed. I didn't even notice T__T  got that when toy story 3 came out... guess it's been awhile. allg though. i used to collect keychains so I have an ice cream container of them. Funny, when I was collecting those keychains as a kid, I never thought one day I'd actually have my own keys to hang on them.
  • I'm capped. ahhhhhhhh. it's been a slow week.
  • Taiwan!! Going to buy tickets tomorrow...I just jokingly suggested it to my parents and they said yes and now they're really enthusiastic about it.. so I guess.... I'm going. I'll be gone by friday at the latest~ hope iphone gets here in time ><" IT MIGHT GET HERE BY TOMORROW. PLEASE LET IT COME TOMORROW!
  •   when people look at you strangely and expectantly... and the situation becomes slightly awkward.. say something or act in a way that will make it more awkward. cause then... it becomes REALLY REALLY FUN. well, for you anyway. Everyone else just tries to act nonchalant even if they're uncomfortable as hell.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Now that exams are over...

To do list:
- apply for summer school
-sort out application for postgrad
-sort out application for Bcom
-sort out application for DipLang
-figure out if I can actually study so many things at once
-lose some weight (possibly start gyming... lolz who am I kidding...)
-get drunk a few times
-tidy the house (and keep it that way)
-get a job
-play a litte (:
-learn to cook some new dishes
-learn to bake better
-watch all the seasons of QI and Would I lie to You
-get started on my list of books I want to read !! (yay so excited!!!!!!)
-start writing again :3

wish me luck guys ^^


Friday, November 11, 2011

Let me just take a moment to say

I love David Mitchell SO MUCH.


it's 11/11/11 today!!

and at 11 past 11 today... the magic will be extra powerful and everyone's wishes will come true!! :3
I'm so happy~~
hehe \^0^/

Also, it's pepero day!

 Pepero Day is an observance in South Korea similar to Valentine's Day. It is named after the Korean snack Pepero and held on November 11, since the date "11/11" resembles four sticks of Pepero. The holiday is observed mostly by young people and couples, who exchange Pepero sticks, other candies, and romantic gifts.
(courtesy of wikipedia)
(I totally did not reference this correctly. OH NOES!)

11/11 is also singles day! Which allegedly originated from university popular culture in China.
lol for one group of asians it's valentines.. but for another group.... sigh.

But anyway, I'm gonna buy some pocky for myself to celebrate singles day!!! :D :D
oh the irony.

forever alone.

how appropriate =P


Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Horrible Histories

In one of the episodes of QI, they talked about animals being trained to be useful in wars.
Russians trained dogs to run under tanks by putting food underneath tanks. They did this so that in the war they could tie a bomb to the dog and the dog would run under an enemy tank and blow it up.
It's horrible isn't it.
Anyway so I relayed this fact to my brother and he said "I know"
It wasn't that much of a suprise since he knows everything anyway ==" but because he's ususally not all that interested in history I asked "oh, how'd you know?"
and he said "you told me, back when you used to read those 'Horrible Histories' books"
And I was like "wow really?"
cool story aye.

lol the point is, I can't believe I don't remember having read that and told him about it! Also, why does he remember????
Do I not absorb the things I read?? Ugh I guess I better work on that.... Then again, I read all those books when I was in PRIMARY SCHOOL. Maybe my brother just has a ridiculously good memory.

anyway, it backfired because the dogs recognised the russian tanks as having food under them as opposed to the enemy ones so they just ended up heading towards their own tanks.

Fun, huh.

Those books like horrible histories, horrible science, murderous maths, dead famous etc etc were so great haha^^


I've been watching QI for the past 3 days and as a result

-I haven't studied enough
-I've been starting every second sentence with "did you know..."
-I constantly have to supress the overwhelming urge to speak with a British accent
-I want to hear Stephen Fry speak ALL THE TIME
-I finally understand a little why Rachel loves him so much
-I've realised I can't not one day live in London
-I love British comedians and am probably going to spend the holidays watching a lot of stand-up.

I've just closed the youtube window that has been open for the past 3 days because I have to do some study but here I am procrastinating by writing a blog entry.


Tuesday, November 1, 2011

This is the first time

that I've cried and a didn't feel a weight lift off my chest. My heart doesn't feel lighter and I don't feel a sense of relief.
I think it no longer works that way. Or maybe it never worked that way.
Crying isn't, and never was, a magical process that eliminated my worries and problems, I guess I just... always felt better after crying because, well, it relieves stress (first of all) but also, I guess I'd come to some conclusion or realisation or decision.
But now, as I sit here with swollen eyes, I don't feel even a tiny bit better.
The only thing is that I've calmed down a little.

I don't think I believe that everything will turn out okay anymore.
Maybe that's the problem